Okay folks, now that the business is out of the way, time for the pleasure......that sounds wrong....
So, the show is going pretty well so far. Rehearsals are great fun as usual, and I finally got to stage my favorite song in the musical, "Lovely Reprise". It is literally going to be the funniest song in the show, in my humble (read: correct) opinion. The guy I sing it with is HILARIOUS!
(but he still hasn't accepted my friend request, #insecure)
What's that you say? I can't use a hashtag in a blog post? Well I just did.
Deal with it.
In other (related) news, I went into the shop this morning with Brit, Nathan, and Heather and spent a good 4 hours on the set, which is kinda coming together.
There should be a picture there of the platform we built today. But it isn't.
Blogspot fail
Anywho, the platform was basically already built, we just made the legs, and put all but one of them on. We then had to take this platform, with it's 10 foot tall lags, and put it upright. It was fun.
Btw, I've realized that posting facebook statuses late at night pretty much guarantees that few people are going to actually see it, and fewer are going to respond by way of comment, liking, disliking etc.
That's a song we're working on for Cantilena, a chamber choir I'm in. It's legit. Eric Whitacre is insane, but I kinda like his stuff.
So, about choirs. I'm in 2, Cantilena and the day choir, more formally known as Red Mountain Chorale. To be honest though, I'm kinda sick of the day choir. It was fun when I first started singing, but now I'm kind of bitter about it. I don't really like the music, and it's 4 hours of singing a week my voice doesn't need right now. I really need to either jump back in after the show for the Christmas music, or just drop it. Dr. Bennett won't like it, but I need to do what's best for me, right?
Huh, I just realized that Dr. Bennett is my facebook friend, and as I intend to post this on facebook, he might see it. Oh well.
Doc, we need to chat when you get back.
By the way, how was your daughter's wedding?
Moving on.
Those are known as "Reincarnations" and they are a BEAST to sing. We worked on the last one ("The Coolin" for a good hour in Cantilena yesterday.)
It's intense.
Okay, enough about music.
Wait, not yet.
I'm listening to the video above, and it just hit "Anthony O'Daly", which is pretty cool. Mostly because the basses sing "An-tho-ny" for half the song, on the same pitch. I think I was on facebook on my phone for that half yesterday in rehearsal lol.
Now no more music. I promise.
I lied. Well.... kinda. Wow, the end of this song sounds like Jaws. It's intense.
Fun fact, you can apparently be so tired, that you look at the clock on your phone, and even though it says 10:09 fairly clearly, you are still convinced it's 4 in the morning. and then you wonder why your sister and her boyfriend are still making out in the next room.
Kids these days.
Anyway, I think that's it for now. I know, your thinking "Are you sure?"
I know, I betrayed your trust up there.
Like twice.
I promise I won't do it again.
But hell, you know better than that.
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