Thursday, September 15, 2011

Insert Witty Naming Scheme Here

So I decided to start a new blog. I figure this one will last about as long as the others (read: 2 days), and be altogether less funny than my sisters, but I'm giving it a shot anyway.

Btw, you have no idea how hard it is to admit my sister is funnier than me. Whatever, I'm growing up, life isn't fair. I got the looks and the voice, so we're even.

Also, here is a link to my sister's blog. It really is hilarious. I'm kinda basing my writing style off of hers, as well as the blog name.

Hmm.... I wrote down some notes, as I got the idea for this blog yesterday. One of them includes a joke with the line "A long long time ago, in a galaxy right about here".... I have no idea where that was supposed to go, or what it was about. Maybe it was going to be a lead in to Brit's blog... let's go with that.

So anyway, into the meaty stuff:

I'm in a show at MCC called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum". It's funny, and irreverent, and a little bit risque. I love it. And Brit is in it with me, which is pretty cool, although we haven't had a rehearsal together in about a week.

Also, I'm in what should (hopefully) be my last year of college. Although, I keep forgetting that I need to do an internship.... hmm, maybe Tracie can hook it up with her studio in Tempe...

Also, I'm in 2 classes with my sis, one of which is communication. When the teacher said that it would be the most important class we'd ever take, she wasn't lying. It's like girl interpretation/dating/mind control wrapped up into one 3 credit course.

Also, I have braces. I tried to write a blog about it when I started.

I failed.

That blog literally lasted 2 days, but it was entertaining, to me at least, so here it is.

Huh, totally realized I misspelled "Meds" in the title there...of well.

So anyway, I have about 2 months left with these things, and let me tell you how excited I am.....

Not that excited. Really, braces aren't such a big deal. I can say after 2 years with them, I might even miss the little guys.

That's a lie, but you catch my drift.

Anyway, I guess that is all I have to say for the moment. Well, that and the fact that I need a witty post naming scheme like my sister's, and I guess I'll post a to do list like she does. I plagiarize, deal with it.

To Do:
-Eat Breakfast
-Work on Lines
-Eat Lunch
-Go to rehearsal

...That's about it....


  1. Tay, you need to add a google friend connect thing so I can follow this blog. I don't email follow blogs, that sucks me into a time waste vortex. Fun blog...I like to see what you guys are doing. If I ever figure out how to best structure my life I may revive my blog. And probably imitate the style of you and Brit.

  2. Ha ! Tay, this is a good one! I enjoy it. You dont have to be as funny as me, blogs are just supposed to be your life. The funny will follow!
